First I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Brooke Marie Mazza on October 12, 2009 at 1:21am. We had a home birth so I was able to have a water birth. I am very proud of myself as I am a VBAC. I started going into pre labor on Friday Oct. 9th and was in active labor from about midnight on Saturday until I had her on Monday. WHEW! loong but well worth it! She came out just so perfectly, took her first breath right away and was crying VERY loudly, she was so healthy and happy the entire labor I was amazed!
Then we were lucky enough to (barely) catch her first smile when we gave her her first bath, on 10/28. She loved the water being washed down her back it must have tickled!
Then we went pumpkin picking and apple picking.
Very shortly there after she turned 4wks old